So, do we have any advice for you about pinched nerves I hear you ask?  Your nervous system is an intricate network that keeps your body moving and functioning. So when a problem arises, it has adverse effects on many other parts of your body. There are many words to describe this condition. Nerve interference, pinched nerves, and nerve compression syndrome are the most commonly used terms. These describe the condition that happens when nerves are pinched or otherwise irritated.

It may also be referred to by the symptom of neuropathic pain (pain in the nerves), or pain in the area of the body that is affected. If left untreated, a pinched nerve can lead to peripheral neuropathy (damaged nerves) and complications resulting from that diagnosis.

Fortunately, you can book a chiropractor for nerve pain treatments. Pinched nerves often happen as a result of subluxation (when joints misalign) which puts pressure on nerves. A back adjustment provided by an emergency chiropractor can help put this joint right, reducing irritation and pain.

Symptoms of Pinched Nerves

The following are common telltale signs our chiropractors in Porthcawl and Bridgend use to diagnose pinched nerves. These symptoms may come and go gradually, and can range from mild to severe.

Localised Pain & Numbness

You would feel pain, numbness, or tingling (pins and needles) in the area of compression. This is typically at the point of a joint, such as the elbow, shoulder or knee. This pain may ebb and flow, but will always be noticeable when you pressure that area to move.

If the pain and numbness is widespread, such as over a whole limb, this is indicative of a more problematic condition such as nerve damage and should be seen by a GP. If the pain is very sharp on movement, that can also be indicative of an injury.

Reduced Range of Motion

The best way to describe this is a feeling of resistance when you try to move a body part as you normally would. You may not be able to move a limb all the way, or it may stay still for a while before suddenly moving after you put force on it.

If you feel constant, sharp, and excruciating pain at the area of resistance when this occurs, this is commonly a result of joint dislocation or another injury and should receive medical attention as soon as possible.

Muscle Weakness

Weakness manifests primarily as an inability to lift limbs, or grasp and hold items as well as you used to. This can also come across as a feeling of clumsiness. You may find yourself needing to use more effort to complete daily tasks, or grasping objects more firmly.

This is not to be confused with loss of balance, or complete loss of strength. Both these symptoms are severe and are not normally indicative of a pinched nerve.

What Causes Nerve Compression?

Anyone can develop a pinched nerve and experience nerve interference, because the common causes are repetitive motions, overexertion, or people with active sports lifestyles. Assembly line workers, construction workers, golfers, and copywriters are just some of the many careers at risk of developing a pinched nerve from subluxation.

Generally, people with poor posture, lack of cushioned support, or working without stretching muscles routinely are more likely to develop nerve interference. For example, if the symptoms are localised to your wrists and hands, this is a form of nerve compression called Carpal Tunnel. This condition almost always develops as a result of typing or writing without any stretches or wrist support.

It’s important to note that compressed nerves can be caused by other conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis, slipped discs, or tumours. This is why it is important to explore all your options during diagnosis and seek medical attention from a GP or A&E, especially if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Symptoms that do not build gradually and are suddenly onset
  • Loss of feeling or control in a whole limb
  • Noticeable swelling, bruising, or redness in the joint
  • Loss of balance or strength
  • Constipation or incontinence
  • Fluid swelling at the ends of limbs
  • Sharp or excruciating pain
  • Sudden unexplained weight loss

When an Emergency Chiropractor Can Help

Being treated by a chiropractor for nerve pain is simple and straightforward, especially if the cause of the pain is determined to be the result of subluxation. A full body or back adjustment can reset any misaligned joints and reduce compression or irritation of the nerve.

When you book a chiropractor online for the first time, they will examine your body and symptoms thoroughly, and establish if it is treatable through chiropractic techniques.

In addition, our chiropractors in Porthcawl and Bridgend can advise on your lifestyle to prevent future compressed nerves. We may give you exercises to keep joints strong and flexible, or advise on certain activities to avoid.

When you’re ready, call or book your first chiropractor appointment online at the award-winning Walker Chiropractic clinic. Dr Martyn Walker is a registered chiropractor who has helped thousands of patients for over 20 years, and is more than willing to guide you on your journey to relieve your nerve pain.